Davinci Gambino in Black
Cruisin' USA

Davinci Gambino in Black Cruisin' USA

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Best business Movies

  • Sunday, November 6, 2011
  • Posted by FreeShipping
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Best business Movies

Movies entertain us. Movies captivate us. Movies request for retrial to us. But, most of all, movies inspire us. Rocky inspired us to fight for our dreams (and to take the stAirs instead of the elevator). Glory inspired us to fight for what's right. The Diary of Anne Frank inspired us to fight for humanity. Et inspired us to believe beyond what we can see. And, Shawshank Redemption, of course, inspired us to leave from prison.

Then there are business movies. These movies may bore some of us (those of us who don't even like to work much less use it as a form of entertainMent), but others find these the most enthralling of films. This narrative lists the best movies for people who believe that business is all the time a worthy production.

Boiler Room: A view into the underworld of sketchy brokerage forms, Boiler Room features a college trainee drop-out used to being on the brink of seediness. After running an illegal casino, he is hired by Jt Marlin, a firm that creates a false examine by skyrocketing the price of shares for companies that don't exist.. The main character Seth, played by Giovanni Ribisi, is settled in the middle when the Fbi uses his father, a judge, against him. Seth is then forced to work with the Fbi to locate the fallacy employing him.

The characters in the story aren't noble or moral - as their main goal is to scam people out of money - but, from a business perspective, they are good at wheeling and dealing. The monologues in the arguMent room and the scenes where they sell can authentically inspire just about any businessman or women, particularly salespeople; it can inspire them not only to excel at their art, but to leave companies like Jt Marlin for the Fishes.

Working Girl: Nominated for an Academy Award for Best photo and recipient of one for Best Song, Working Girl tells the tale of a likeable but unconfident secretary named Tess McGill, played by Melanie Griffith, working for Katharine Parker, a rude, condescending boss, played by Sigourney Weaver. When Katharine breaks her leg, Tess assumes her identity. Not only is she competent at Katharine's Job, but she is good at it than her employer. A movie where it is beyond easy to root for the underdog, this film's marketing contained the TAGline, "For whatever who's ever won. For whatever who's ever lost. And for everybody who's still in there trying." Really, who among us can't recite to that?

Jerry Maguire: Admit it, this movie had you at hello. One of Tom Cruise's last great films before aliens took control of his mind, Jerry Maguire features Tom as, well, Jerry Maguire, a sports agent with a conscience. After his firm dumps him ("who's arrival with me?") he finds himself with one lone client, Rod Tidwell, played by a scene-stealing Cuba Gooding, Jr.

Many people found this movie enthralling because of the romantic subplot (not to mention an adorable small boy), but from a business perspective, it was also wonderful, displaying both the greed of an business and the heart of those aiming to make it right. "The Show Me the Money," phrase helped cement this enthralling into cinematic history as it is remembered as one of the greatest quotes of all time.

Glengarry Glen Ross: Based on the 1984 Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winning play, Glengarry Glen Ross shows 48 hours in the lives of four real estate agents who are drowning in desperation. Filled with a cast of A Plus-listers, this movie stars Jack Lemmon, Al Pacino, Ed Harris, Alan Arkin, Kevin Spacey, Alec Baldwin and Jonathan Pryce. Diving into the evils of greed and the acts people will achieve when hopelessness ensues, this film depicts lies, bribes, threats, thievery, and a whole lot of cussing. The title is generated from two properties discussed in the movie, the Glengarry Highlands and the Glen Ross Farms. This movie not only shows how authentically the tide of business can turn, but it also shows how easy the tide can spin out of control, drowning those who fall under it.

Wall Street: With a self explanatory title, this movie features Bud Fox, played by a young Charlie Sheen, as a go-getter hell bent on rising to the top. He plans to get there by associating himself with corporate big wig Gordon Gekko, played by Michael Douglas.. Bud soon learns that the inexpressive to Gordon's success is - say it with me Martha Stewart - insider trading. He first isn't authentically turned off by this, as he swiftly grows rich and famous, but when Gordon decides to do a corporate raid on the business of Bud's father, mixed emotions surface. Bud decides, in the end, to use the values his hardworking, blue collar father taught him. Though he gets indicted, it also appears that Gordon is going down with him. However, the fate of Gordon, in the end, is left up to the imagination.

Some business movies are bad, some are good, and some hit the nail right on the head (Office Space, anyone?). As with any topic, business movies can be poor, wonderful, or somewhere in between. In the end, they are unique cinematic features, if for no other theorize than to remind us that there is no business like show business. At least no business I know.

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Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps recap

  • Sunday, October 30, 2011
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Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps recap

Shia LaBeouf is pretty good, probably the saving grace for the Transformers films, and Michael Douglas is, well, old, but I figured the two of them together would be worth Watching. Thankfully I was right.

Though the trailers played Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps up to be a thriller, it is nothing but pure, yet great drama. Being a Sequel to the 1987 film titled plainly Wall street starring Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen, Money Never Sleeps picks up as Douglas' character Gordon Gecko is being released from prison for his crimes in the former film. Just so happens that Gordon's daughter Winnie, played by Carey Mulligan, is dating LaBeouf's character Jake, and she is not too fond of Gordon for abandoning her family.

Matters complicate as Jake is intrigued by Gordon's past, and takes it upon himself to meet his girlfriends father face to face. The trailers once again played up the tensions in the association in the middle of Gordon and his daughter. Although this is a large part of the film, Winnie is not as hard or unmoving concerning the relationsship with her father as the trailers have made her out to be. Due to the seemingly uninteresting subject matter of the film, I can forgive them for being desperate to draw moviegoers with these tactics, Money Never Sleeps does have alot to offer that a trailer cannot summarize.

The main anTAGonist of the film, Bretton James, is played by a fantastic Josh Brolin. He was my popular character, but thats probably because his scenes were the only surely riveting ones of the film, with lots of build up and suspense. The pacing of the film is slow, and its probably just a bit too long. I would have also liked to see more Michael Douglas in the film, hes surely not here all that much.

This probably is not a film for everyone. It can get boring at times, as they tend to drone on about financials for extended lengths, but there is abundance enjoy here. I wasn't aware Money Never Sleeps was a sequel, but I enjoyed this film adequate to certify a Watch of the former Wall Street. I'm sure there are quite a few references I missed, so you may get more out of the taste if you start there.

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Aliens Ate My Motorcycle: : Things to Do in New Mexico When You're Ufoing

Aliens Ate My Motorcycle: : Things to Do in New Mexico When You're Ufoing

You could say I've been into the "Ufo scene" since my fourth grade instructor Mrs. Madugle read to us kids on a daily basis from Truman Bethurum's "Aboard a Flying Saucer, " a cult classic in the "contactee" literature of the 1950s. It left one of those indelible impressions spinning in my head.

Now here I was, years later, riding my Bicycle from L.A. to Roswell, New Mexico, a vortex of interest for Ufo buffs, the place where in early July 1947 a flying saucer allegedly crashed and its occuPants recovered, as the story goes. Of mythic proportions, the enigma of Roswell is still a hotbed of controversy half a century later thanks to legal obfuscation, as in "cover-up" and the relaxation of facts Act by which researchers have unearthed incriminating docuMentation.

You could say Roswell is the Plymouth Rock for Ufo researchers although most of us Saucerheads are not Ufo-nuts. We're your average Bicycle riding, freelance narrative writing, developed degree keeping tourist who'd rather spend timing delving into paranormal mysteries than the souvenir shops in Disneyland. We've got our own Tomorrowland to inspect where the stakes are cosmic and oftimes comic. But that's the nature of the universe, a balance of the wild and wacky, the weak and the strong military that glue all the quanta together.

As I zipped up my armor-enhanced riding jacket and donned my full-face helmet, I was for real more implicated that the military keeping together my 20-year old German Bicycle would prevail. First gear was popping out and puffs of gray smoke from the left cylinder exhaust meant ring Job, but the trusty old Bmw R100/7 had gone150, 000 miles so what was a concentrate thousand more in the face of light years of adventure lurking nearby the next hAirpin curve.

To cut to the chase, let's just chalk up the intervening space between L.A. And my intermediate stop in Santa Fe as a missing time experience, a lot of boring freeway paveMent during which one could meld the mindset for the scheme at hand. Since I had only a short timeframe for this adventure, I took the semi-direct route from L.A. First to Santa Fe, about 860 miles from L.A., then on to Roswell, about 200 miles south. If you want to skip Santa Fe altogether and do the level 970 miles from L.A., you just get onto the 1-10 East and keep going for 674.90 miles, join together to the Us-70E which becomes the Us-285 S. A left on the Nm-2, other left on Nm-2 and you're there. Of policy you might want to stop and smell the cactus now and then.

Without any mechanical mishaps or speeding tickets, I and my trusty Beemer arrived in Santa Fe a.k.a. The "City of the Holy Faith." Founded in 1607 and boasting 200 art galleries and five museums the town is a sandstone, pinion tree and cactus clad nexus co-constructed by three cultures: Native Americans who got there first, the Spanish who arrived later and lastly the Anglos who ended up owning the place. My first impression was that Santa Fe was designed by Barney Rubble thanks to the ground hugging houses with their rounded asymmetrical handmolded look. All things is rendered in the hues of the surrounding desert... Breccia browns, gecko grays, tumbleweed tans... A whole city muted to eco-friendly, zero-scape invisibility. What keeps it on the map are supernovae of intense color peaking straight through the adobe cloaking device. They can be seen in the historic plaza district, specifically the shopping stalls situated under the portico of the Palace of the Governors where the local Indians accumulate to sell their brilliantly polished silver jewelry and rainbow woven tapestries and Clothing. In addition, huge strands of dried red chilies like mummified kelp forests hang everywhere. Santa Fe's shamanistic talismans, they weave a spicy spell since All things you order to eat seems to come with chili salsa.

I felt a grumbling and it wasn't coming from any inexpressive inexpressive U.S. Air Force/Alien installation although one is alleged to exist in the area. I was hungry and something brought me to the massive hand carved wooden doors of the Inn of the Anasazi (113 Washington Ave., 505-988-3030). The Inn's 59 rooms feature gaslit Fireplaces, four-poster beds, Indian artwork, even organic toiletries created locally with native cedar extract. Artists, historians and archaeologists host fireside chats in the Inn's living room. Call it a microcosm of the best Sante Fe has to offer under one vigas and latillas constructed roof. The Inn was named after the Native American population who had built a victorious culture on the nearby cliffs of Chaco Canyon then suddenly disappeared without a trace six hundred years ago. Yes, petroglyphs and cave drawings in the area do depict strange creatures with helmet-like headgear. Alien Ufonauts or bikers? Science had no answers, but the hotel's exquisite restaurant did... Their specialty lamb prepared by Chef Randall Warder and augMented by a stellar wine list.

To burn off some of the calories I signed up for a minuscule excursion I learned about from the plethora of brochures found at the hotel. (Brochures and checking out the local phone book Yellow Pages is often my first reconnaissance maneuver when entering uncharted territory.) No tours to Ufo landing sites but I did find something called "Aspook About Ghosts " Close enough since some investigators see a link between etheric and inter-diMensional warps and Ufos. What the heck, after a big dinner I needed a walk.

For a few bucks the tour organizers promised "a haunting taste into Sante Fe's misty past... Life (and death) among the coyotes, witches, ghosts, and the not quite dead." Conducted by Santa Fe ghost guide Peter SinclAire (505-988-2774), I and my fellow spook seekers met at the palatial Eldorado Hotel at the intersection of San Francisco and Sandoval for a two hour bipedal exploration of Santa Fe's haunted places. It's a great way to see Sante Fe, kind of Ghost Busters Meets the voyage Channel.

Santa Fe is also into digging up the bones of the past, and so am I. But I like to look in fossil and mineral stores for Ufo linked items. You never know when a piece of the Roswell crash will show up, right? No saucer debris, but there was a great deal on dinosaur egg shells at the Charlie "Have Rocks Will Travel" Snell shop placed at 1110 Calle La Resolana.

Before I spent all my money on eggs I couldn't eat, I threw my pack back on my bike, and pointed its headlight toward Roswell about 175 miles south of Sante Fe. State Road 285 is a exquisite place to get abducted. It's virtually devoid of traffic with nothing but scrub brush and wide-open nothingness for hundreds of miles in all directions. Best to ride it at night if you want a close encounter of the fourth kind, but Best to do it in the daylight if you'd rather not run into the pronghorn antelope you see everywhere. Antelope and motorcycles don't blend well.

I nailed the throttle and blasted back down 285, and lo' and view soon found myself entering the city limits of Roswell. It came in the form of a giant trampoline painted with the face of an Alien Gray... Big head, bigger eyes... Plastered on the front of a godawful big Wal-Mart division store. Inside my head, something whispered that Ufo's had been commercialized. It was no big inexpressive that Roswell was on the international map because of the 1947 incident and the town's subsequent total embrace of the whole idea. If there is such a place that deserves the title "Ufoville" then it's Roswell. From Wal-Mart to the Arby's sandwich drive-through to the International Ufo Museum and study Institute, Roswell was 100% Flying Saucer Central. I loved the place at first sight.

I checked into the "cost-effective" Crane Motel, one of those bring-your-own-ice-bucket" places. You can't miss it. There's a strange assortment of old junk cars with flat Tires growing roots in the ground, an old ploy to convince population the place has guests. Or maybe the guests never left. One Plymouth had a faded "Vote Nixon" bumper stamp on it. In any case, I spent most of the next two days living in Roswell's International Ufo Museum. You could for real spend a month if you're into the subject. Exhibits cover the Roswell crash or crashes since other witnesses have come transmit with other crash site about 58 miles from Roswell. You can Watch the video made by the late Jim Ragsdale a few days before his death. He relates the details of his encounter with a crashed disc that careened over his pickup truck in which he and his girlfriend were "buck naked" at the time. You can buy a copy of the tape or the book. Judge for yourself, but pretty darn convincing.

Dozens of other Ufo linked books and videos are available, a few of the over 1000 items stocked by the museum's gift shop, a day's exploration in itself. I bought an Alien New Mexico driver's license that I think will get me into most bars in town. I also bought a commemorative Roswell rug and a membership in the museum. I spoke with the charming Ms. Phyllis Blackard, one of the museum volunteers (admission is free!) who as a young girl was gift in Roswell when it all came down from the sky. "I was here when the military swarmed in, and I know Glenn Dennis the mortician who saw the minuscule alien bodies. You can take his word to the bank."

Located at 114 N. Main, the museum has had over 1,000,000 visitors. The exhibits supervene the time line of the July 1947 incident and its aftermath, display purported alien craft fragments, and also spotlights the crop circle mystery and other linked subjects. Documents and photos line the walls as do discrete artists renderings of Ufo scenes. There's even a section with Ufo humor, cartoons, and such as well as two video screening rooms where you can Watch documentaries. You can also have your photo taken in front of an "alien autopsy" scene that boasts props from the "Roswell" film starring Martin Sheen. Bulletin boards post the newest in reports from the nearby the world, and if you want to take a Roswell Ufo crashsite tour you can call (505) 622-0628.

Although I wished I could I remain in Roswell straight through the yearly July 4th celebration extravaganza, Ufo-themed of course, I had to get back to L.A. And work. But I occasionally glanced upward, always responding to the Ufologist's mantra ..."Watch the Skies."

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Cause Celebre

  • Friday, October 14, 2011
  • Posted by FreeShipping
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Cause Celebre

Little did Mr. Warhol know how prophetic his words would be, and more importantly that he would be turning in his grave about how pathetic our definition of celebrity has come to be. Celebrity as defined in the Oxford English dictionary is: a preponderant person. The state of being well known. So while one can argue that the definition of celebrity has not changed, the respectability and synonyms that used to be associated with it have changed rather dramatically; namely, hero, luminary, notable, and personage. One used to join together celebrity with the heroes of science, theatrical luminaries, big names in sports, a preponderant of the concert sTAGe or even a personage in the field of philosophy. And I seem to remember that talent also seemed to be an implicit part of the requisite. Clearly, these associations no longer apply or have been broadened pretty dramatically, to the point where they come to be thoroughly meaningless, in my mind, when they contain today's' reality Tv stars. I admit that I feel ashamed and embarrassed to live in a community that not only lauds the likes of Charlie Sheen, Tia Tequila and Omarosa but also think them celebrities. If anyone among my reader habitancy has been worried about 2012 being the end of the world, fear not because the apocalypse has been upon us for practically a decade now, in the form of reality Tv.

The sad truth of our more modern and civilised world seems to be that anyone who is willing to stand in front of a camera and rant or embarrass themselves in some way has come to be entitled to their 15 minutes by naturally uploading it onto YouTube. The content and substance seem to mean nothing anymore, in fact a quick hunt of the most favorite videos of the day will spin that the most inane, asinine and meaningless ones are the most popular, by far. anyone who has something useful or meaningful to contribute is lost in a sea of mediocrity and mirth. This sad realisation becomes even more depressing when one begins to realize that these mostly transient and meaningless bits of content are also being praised for the talent that produced them. While the digital world seems to be hastening this deterioration of cerebral pursuits, it is hard to ignore the fact that even among the ranks of the more bona fide luminaries today, there is a lot left to be desired both in terms of their lack of respectability and their contributions to society. The attract and mystique of the movie star and the stoic character of world leaders and politicians seem to be fading Faster than we can type 140 characters.

As much as I love the capability for real-time updates and sharing that services like Twitter and Facebook have ushered in, I also believe that personal boundaries are still de facto necessary. In fact, they are needed now more than ever before. So while I enjoy hearing about my friends' newest escapades in a weekly or monthly dose, I equally have zero interest in knowing about the personal weekend antics of my Congressman from the 15th district of New York. 20% of politicians, who use Twitter, modernize their streams with personal information. Transparency in politics is great, but I am pretty sure this is not what America's forefathers had in mind. Granted there is much greater way to personal information today. The glare of the media spotlight is much stronger and the newsMen might be less disciplined than they used to be. Still, habitancy have the capability to operate and limit what they do and say both in public, and in response to vapid accusations, salacious rumors and torrid gossip in the press. Take Denzel Washington, for example. I applaud his decision to keep his underground life private. Being a huge star, if he can obsessively limit the estimate of personal information that trickles into a morbidly thoughprovoking world, then I have to believe so too can others to a greater degree than they tend do today. Sadly, discretion no longer seems to be the better part of valour, today.

Another concern is our addition tolerance for what is deemed acceptable and responsible in our society. The level to which our standards have diminished to an alarming degree is obvious when we laugh, sigh and naturally turn the page at Madonna's newest hobby, that of adopting (buying) children from distinct parts of the world. Or when we seem perfectly content to move on with a minor slap on A-Rod's Wrist for what amounts to cheating by taking steroids, albeit earlier in his career. And that it took the reckless and criminal endangerMent of a child, in the Balloon boy saga, to finally create some semblance of collective outcry. The lengths habitancy are willing to go to gain their 15 minutes of fame is a sad testaMent to the state of our community today. Even crashing the White House's first State evening meal seems only to be shocking because it might have endangered the President and Indian Prime minister (who is no. 1 on most terrorist's hit lists). And possibly this is in part because the lines have come to be blurred between reality, and politics. For one it seems that good, bad or ugly the type of publicity does not seem to matter; reality Tv aspirants just want their payday and politicians their name in the headlines. From Sarah Palin's mudslinging family feud, to Governor Mark Sanford's tell-all affAir, or Tom Delay's turn as a contestant on Dancing with the Stars, to a stand-up comic being elected to the Us Senate from Minnesota. One wonders when these two worlds will collide or worse yet that they already have and we are just too jaded to have noticed. In fact, I just heard that two previous Real World contestants, Sean Duffy from Real World Boston and Kevin Powell from Real World New York show, are inspecting runs for Congress. As I ponder this, I realise that my introductory shock and outrage has begun to fade, and acceptance fills this space. I cannot help but wonder if they might de facto do a better Job than our politicians in whether Party have been able to do.

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Nirvana - You Know You're Right - The Story Behind it All

Nirvana - You Know You're Right - The Story Behind it All

The last singular to ever be officially issue by Nirvana, You Know You're Right, can only be found on the band's 2002 'Best Of' ageeMent disk. It is the first song on the Cd and it's a haunting inheritance of the bands heyday in the American grunge rock scene of the 1990s. It was written in the mid to late 1990s and as far as anything knows, it's one of the very few Kurt Cobain songs to exist after their album 'In Utero' was released. The song was only known as a bootlegged version and as a song performed by the band Hole who was fronted by Courtney Love, Cobain's widow.

Nirvana You Know Your Right was recorded in the bands final studio sessions prior to Cobain's death. It was recorded on January 30, 1994, but it would be kept away from fans until the 'Best Of' album was released. This was due to the legalities of the song itself as members of the band wanted it for their box set issue which had been planned for some time. Love forced the song to be released, felling that it would be wasted in the box set and best off as part of a singles collections. She felt the Nirvana song have serious hit potential and industrial value.

While the surviving band members agreed that Nirvana Your Know Your Right had industrial potential, the legal hassling was more to do with timing than anything else. The lawsuit was placed and the song was released on their album 'Nirvana' in 2002. The song was leaked onto the Internet weeks prior to its released in an Mp3 format and many alternative rock stations put the song into the play list even after receiving cease and halt letters.

The singular by Nirvana, You Know Your Right, was released as a promotional singular and Chris Hafner decided to make a music video of it using concert fooTAGe of the band performing to make it look as if they were singing the song on sTAGe. The videos even included clips of Kurt Cobain at the mike. The song charted #1 on the Billboard Mainstream and contemporary Rock Tracks lists, proving that it did for real have industrial potential. How much of that potential was still riding on Kurt Cobain's death no one will ever know.

Nirvana You Know Your Right was never released as a industrial singular and can only be found on the one album, the 'Best Of' collection. While there are numerous Nirvana Dvds available on the market, this song is not included on any them that we were able to find. It could be listed under other title, however, as there were questions throughout the industry about the permissible title of the song. Because the song was only available from bootleggers for many years, the inquire about the song title could very well be a form of Nirvana urban legend.

If the song title is wrong, the only man who could tell us what it was is long gone a hidden Cobain took with him into the next life.

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What's Wrong With Wind to Win the hereafter - A Wind Turbine Rant

As the coordinator for a Think Tank which operates online, I am often amazed at the fiery passionate debates surrounded by members when it comes to alternative energy. There are global warming alarmists who treat it as a religion, pragmatic power experts, and money interests skewing the political debate. It's intense indeed. Not long ago, I was having a dialogue over some of the challenges of Wind Turbine Technologies and trying to come up with potential solutions.

My acquaintance stated that when it came to wind there were some challenges such as; "unsightliness, sound pollution, and psychological affects," to name a few. Yes, that's without fail true, and there are other issues too for instance; they kill birds, and bats, and despite what you might believe the concrete manufacturing needed to originate the base creates Co2 (offset would take 15 years).

Charlie Sheen

Wind turbines are not cheap either, as they use Rees and Rare Earth EleMents are needed for other leading technologies and they are expensive meaning the price goes up and thus, the Roi not is not there, they are not cost sufficient thus, not viable. Also, wind turbine blades can't cope lightning very well and they have to be shut down in high winds, at a time the most potential is available.

What's Wrong With Wind to Win the hereafter - A Wind Turbine Rant

That's not all, as they also fall down in Earthquakes, and perceive that areas with the best or most consistent wind is not always power transmission lines. And in case you haven't heard enough reasons why wind won't work to solve our power needs, perceive too that these large wind turbines screw up radar 39% of ability. The biggest issue which I have waited until last to Mention is that the wind doesn't blow all the time, thus it is all-around unreliable energy.

My acquaintance stated; "I think we also need good designs for wind power, but that's not going to happen until we quit subsidizing the technology. Once we quit subsidizing, this should lead to associates trying to push straight through better/more sufficient designs. Or kill the whole idea."

We can't now, due to politics, lobbyists, and Ge Jeff Immelt now helping the supervision with innovation agendas. Once the governMent starts doing something the blob just grows, if we kill it, we kill all the Vc, investMent banks helping with alternative energy, all the small investors who want to buy green socially approved stocks and funds, etc.

The way I see it, these tiny bloggers and wind power religious folks with all their environmentalism, and political affect has created this mess because they think you know everything, complain about everything, and never think straight through the reality - so it is nothing more than Silly humans, and their unintended consequences. And now that we have a qoute they say; "oh let's use innovation to solve this unintended consequence we've created, come on everyone, let's work together and build a team - Yeah, go team go!"

Well, now, sometimes I think that I'd like to strap some of these Obama Rama alternative power buglers to the wind turbine blades until they scream, who knows maybe we can make these giant wind turbines into Amusement Rides? Or, good yet, we should tip the big ones over on their side, and the Obama Rama's can create a habitat plan so they can live inside of the wreckage?

Sure, that would be good, put some boulders on each side so they don't roll away. Use it for homeless shelters, cut some holes in the side, and put in Plexiglas windows at .00 a piece. Leave one up for every 50 or so to power up the homeless shelter tubes. Call up Jimmy Carter and tell him to Habitat That! Well, personally I think wind power schemes as presently purported are a waste of time, energy, and resources for nothing. Meanwhile the powers that be, perceive they've made a mistake on this, but they try to diver out concentration away from their mistakes;

"Don't look at the wind turbine issues, no, no, no looky over here in Japan, Libya, Egypt, and at Charlie Sheen, don't look at the fiasco and insanity of nonsense happing with the alternative power bubble, and don't worry it will create, or rather "create or save" 4 million Jobs over the next 10 years! Hoorah!"

Yah, after it kills 8 million Jobs or more in the process.

Please consider all this, because, I getting Tired of talking about it.

What's Wrong With Wind to Win the hereafter - A Wind Turbine Rant

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Could You Be a Fan for a Team That Loses 10,000 Baseball Games?

I have seen New York Yankee baseball fans throw things at opposing players in the outfield. Sometimes a roll of pennies, possibly a used battery from a flashlight, or anyone they have not closed eating and do not like.

Philadelphia is know as the City of Brotherly Love yet Philly fans who get upset might chuck things at their own players, like rocks or car batteries for the drunken, brawny types. Philadelphia Phillies' fans are arguably the least outpatient and most vaporing in baseball, and I know why.

Charlie Sheen

A article in Usa Today (7-3-07) notes that the Phillies are on the verge of becoming the first pro sports franchise to article 10,000 losses. They had 9,996 losses as of July 3, 2007. The next nearest teams in losses are the Atlanta Braves (9,675) and Chicago Cubs (9,421). I would have guessed the Cubs but not the Braves.

Could You Be a Fan for a Team That Loses 10,000 Baseball Games?

It should be pointed out that the Braves and Cubs were in the customary National League in 1876, and the Phillies and Giants came into the Nl 7 years later in 1883.

Here are some challenging facts about the Phillies' dubious record:

The Phillies lost at least 90 games a season 20 times in the 25 years from 1921 to 1945.

From 1919 to 1945 (27 years) the National League Phillies closed last 16 times and second-to-last 7 times. That is 23 out of 27 years in last or next-to-last place. No wonder the working class Men drink so much beer in Philadelphia.

One of their managers during their aforeMentioned lean years was Doc Protho, a practicing dentist whose son, Tommy, was head coach of the Nfl's Los Angeles Rams (1971-1974) and San Diego Chargers (1974-1978).

Former Seattle Mariner and current Philadelphia starting pitcher Jamie Moyer grew up in Philadelphia, and there is one Phillies loss he will never forget. In 1986, as a member of the Chicago Cubs, Moyer beat the Phillies and his boyhood hero, Steve Carlton, 7-5 for his first big-league win.

The Phillies went 47-107 in 1961 and closed 46 games out of first place, but the bottom point was a 23-game losing streak that remains the majors' longest since 1900. Their most excruciating losses came in a 10-game stretch during September 1964. Philadelphia was leading the Nl by 6.5 games on September 21 with 12 games to play. They lost the next 10 and the St. Louis Cardinals won the pennant.

The halfway point to 10,000 losses came on July 24, 1945, at Chicago's Wrigley Field when the Cubs won 8-3 before a scant crowd of 8,393. When you do not win, no one wants to come see you play.

The Phillies do own the Nl article for 100-loss seasons, but here is a perspective worth noting: The Phillies had 13 100-loss seasons during their first 63 seasons and only one in the next 62 years.

Despite the bad news, there is some good news to report.

Philadelphia won the World Series in 1980 and played in the 1993 Series against the Toronto Blue Jays. Unfortunately, they lost in Game 6 of the 1993 series when lefty closer Mitch "Wild Thing" Williams gave up a series-ending home run to Toronto's Joe Carter at the Sky Dome.

If any of this sounds familiar, think of the baseball movie, Major League, with Charlie Sheen as Rick "Wild Thing" Vaughn.

Here is the one admittedly great thing you can say about the Philadelphia Phillies: Mike Schmidt.

Mike Schmidt is arguably the best third-baseman in major league history. There is Brooks Robinson of the Baltimore Orioles to think about, but remember that Schmidt was a three-time (that is three-time) Most important Player and also won 10 Gold Gloves.

Did I Mention that he also hit 548 home runs (before steroids), had 1,595 ribbies and 2,234 hits. His 48 home runs in 1980 set the single-season article for a third baseMen. Oh yeah, Mike Schmidt is in the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Could You Be a Fan for a Team That Loses 10,000 Baseball Games?

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