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My Only Regret is That I Got Caught

  • Wednesday, March 2, 2011
  • Posted by FreeShipping
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How to

National public Radio had an interview the other day with Trey Parker and Matt Stone, creators of the animated, satirical television show, "South Park." They were in the news recently when they were threatened by a radical Muslim group for depicting the Prophet Muhammad in a bear suit in an episode of the show.

But the interviewer talked about that episode only briefly. More time was devoted to playing a clip from the show in which two of the recurring characters (Kyle and Butters) attend a sex addiction restoration schedule along with such celebrities as Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer, David Letterman, actor David Duchovny (who starred in "The X Files") and Charlie Sheen.

Charlie Sheen

The leader of the sex addiction group asks for reasons why these people are in the program. Various answers are given: "Too many visits to sex shops." "Too much Internet porn." "Having sex with employees." "Going to strip clubs."

How ot My Only Regret is That I Got Caught

After each response, the leader says those are all valid responses, but not the true reason.

Finally, one of the "South Park" characters tentatively offers the most inescapable and, as it turns out, the correct reason: "Because we got caught."

Exactly. Because they got caught. Have you noticed how contrite people are after they get caught? How sorry they are? How willing they are to make aMends? How they often "find God." How quickly they "take responsibility" for their actions and, if they are married, ask for forgiveness from their poor spouses who are often seen "standing by their Men" (it's all Men) at the podium where the "mea culpa" press consulation occurs?

It's easy, of course, to take cheap shots at these Men. There are things I've done I wish I hadn't done and I don't want to see myself talked about on television and in the newspapers.

However, just once, it would be great to hear one of these guys say, "I had a great time while I was doing it, I got caught, I wish I hadn't been caught because then I could have continued doing exactly what I was doing which is what I had chosen to do all along. My only regret is that I got caught and for that I am truly sorry because this could result my work and quality to make as much money as I want."

Now that's a press consulation I could Watch over and over again.

How to My Only Regret is That I Got Caught

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