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Film recapitulate - Wall street Money Never Sleeps (2010)

Bottom Line: Interesting, but now dated, "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" covers the same ground as its predecessor, adding the up-to-date Gfc woes in to the mix, but serves up no story to give its broad stateMents any depth or resonance.

The Good: If there was any need for a sequel to the thriving 80s flick "Wall Street", it would have to be the onset of the global financial crisis. Oliver Stone returns to the director's chAir and in many ways infuses the film with the variation between what happened in the 80s and the utter lunacy that occurred in the lead up to the Gfc. Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) is now released from prison, but no one wants anyone to do with him, together with his daughter Winnie (Carey Mulligan), who is in a happy connection with Wall street rising star Jake (Shia LaBeouf). Jake seeks out Gekko when the latter begins predicting a global meltdown on the financial markets when promoting his new book. Winnie wants nothing to do with her father, but Jake meets up with Gekko any way behind her back as he wants his help to exact revenge on tycoon Bretton James (Josh Brolin), who indirectly caused his Mentor's suicide. This is the setup for what essentially becomes a parallel prognosis between what happened in the 80s on Wall Street, and what happened in the lead up to the Gfc. On many occasions it proves interesting, particularly when Gekko provides his own take on what's happening. "I got nothing on these crooks!" he says at one point. Oliver Stone makes the film authentic with the use of actual locations on Wall street as he did on the first film. One of the most considerable sequences is when the chAirman of an speculation bank commits suicide by jumping in front of a subway train after having to sell his bank for a tiny fraction of what it was worth. "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" is interesting to Watch in the stateMents that it makes and works as a companion piece to the first film.

Charlie Sheen

The Bad: Oliver Stone has undoubtedly lost his edge with his last few films, and this one is no exception. What made the first film so good was the exploration of the connection and plot between Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen) and Gordon Gekko. That gave that film its meat and the "Wall Street" stuff was interesting scenery along the way. By contrast, this film does not have anyone of real dramatic value going on between its main characters. They seem to interact with each other in a way as to only promote the stateMents that Stone wants to make. As a result, the film does not have much of a story to speak of where anyone dramatic happens to them. In the first film, Bud Fox risked his vocation and ends up going to jail with Gekko pushing him supplementary to oblivion; by variation Jake only gets pep talks from Gekko and has to worry about his melodramatic connection while seeking revenge for the death of his mentor, which is eventually delivered but in an undramatic way, and more as a succeed of the Gfc than anyone else. The handling of Gekko's character in this film is problematic. He was a clear villain in the first film, and making him a quasi-good guy this time out takes a lot of shine off his mystique. The Charlie Sheen cameo as Bud Fox seems more like a "look-at-me, I'm doing my cameo for Oliver" scene rather than adding anyone astronomical to the proceedings. Susan Sarandon's character is clichéd and two-dimensional, barely providing a face to the 'normal' man who leveraged themselves too far. And then there's the film's subtitle: the estimate '2' would have been far better. What is worst of all is that without that dramatic plot line with the main characters, the fictionalising telling of the Gfc in this film feels remarkably dated. We know what happened, we know what these guys did, and we know the result. This film is not telling us anyone we did not already know. As a result, the meaning behind Stone's messages do not have much resonance in the context of this film. This last point is considerable given Oliver Stone's credit as a considerable filmmaker of messages.

Film recapitulate - Wall street Money Never Sleeps (2010)
Film recapitulate - Wall street Money Never Sleeps (2010)

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Why Every enterprise Needs to Take a episode From Charlie Sheen!

Over the last few weeks I'm sure you've heard about what's going on in Charlie Sheen land.

Controversy at it's finest...or not so finest! You pick!

Charlie Sheen

But, I have to give it to Charlie...he is creating publicity and getting habitancy involved in what he's doing. It was announced that he broke the Guinness Book of World Records for achieving 1 million Twitter followers in just a few days. Then he shattered that report again with 2 million followers a few days later.

Why Every enterprise Needs to Take a episode From Charlie Sheen!

Two Million!

But unlike most celebrities who tweet about what they are doing, Charlie is using Twitter as a means to make money and keep his controversy in the limelight. He launched an internet show called Charlie's Korner or Sheen's projection (either way I haven't seen it yet) and is in talks with advertisers to Mention their products on his Twitter account. The phrases "Tiger Blood", "Adonis Dna" and "Winning" have been added to the lexicon of our pop culture...yep, thanks to Charlie Sheen.

Okay, yes I realize that you are not Charlie Sheen and that creating controversy can be somewhat daunting. And, you are not a celebrity with deep pockets and hopefully you don't have a "bad boy" credit either...

...but you can be a magnet for the media.

Now, I'm not saying act like raving lunatic and come up with strange catch phrases. If you're good at and can get away with it, then by all means...but most likely you will need the help of person other than yourself. Keep those press releases flowing! Let the media in on what you are doing. Hire a rainmaker! A publicist! A public Relations person!

Utilize public media! generate an online presence! Make some noise! Get noticed!

Create a video then put it up on YouTube. Let habitancy know you mean company and are willing to do whatever to get their attention. Be outrageous! You might not get 2 Million followers, but you will generate a following.

Everytime the media picks up on what you're doing, habitancy will read, hear or talk about you. In marketing there's a phrase and goes like this... "the more you tell, the more you sell!"

Yeah, it sounds simple, but without some sort of attention grabber to get habitancy attention, you won't be able to tell them what it is you want to sell them.

Good or bad...controversy sells!

Learn to use a slight controversy in your publicity campaigns and Watch habitancy take notice!

Why Every enterprise Needs to Take a episode From Charlie Sheen!

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Drug Addiction Among the Celebrities

There are no limits to drug addictions and the question never picks who it is going to affect. Because of the globalized world the celebrity lifestyle is more known and there is a lot more pressure on these individuals who often revert to drugs. Of procedure its nothing new to hear that someone else celebrity is going to rehab to try and get over the addiction that they are suffering from. Its just a general part of the Hollywood lifestyle.

Of procedure we have all heard about the big name celebrities such as Whitney Houston, Keith Urban, Charlie Sheen, Robert Downey among many many others who have gone straight through drug restoration for the drug problems that they face. Of procedure the list is a lot, and I mean a lot bigger that that. The quiz, is why are so many celebrities resorting to the life of drug addiction?

Charlie Sheen

Just like the general people out there who suffer from the stresses of life, celebrities suffer from problems separate to those of the midpoint person. They of procedure have to deal with problems that are much bigger than that of an midpoint person. They along with general stresses of daily life have to deal with newspapers, managers, critics, media, and not to Mention that every singular thing that they say is recorded down.

Drug Addiction Among the Celebrities

In the world of the rich and renowned the celebrities face a lot of insecurities. When these celebrities try to find a way out from these insecurities a way out for all the problems that they face, they often resort to drugs as a solution. Of procedure this is not together with the problems people face with suddenly becoming famous.

There are a lot of separate cases about those general people gaining instant overnight fame, which most are just not capable of coping with. Living the incommunicable life that they were used to just is not an selection anymore as the newspapers and media are always there to narrative their daily moveMents. Of procedure that does not consist of the tons of fans trying to result the celebrity everywhere.

Of procedure there are those people out there that claim that they will never face the troubles of drug addiction as though they are immune from these troubles. They often say that because they have so much money they will never get addicted, its only a try out thing anyway. Being a celebrity is more stressful than any other type of work and more often than not a man will resort to drugs because of the stress that is caused.

Of procedure any drug addiction either that involves celebrities or not is still drug addiction. Its the same level of seriousness and is as difficult in both ways. This is why so many celebrities sign up to rehab to try and get over their problems. The most renowned rehab centres that house a lot of celebrities are trying to overcome their problems of drug addiction consist of Promises and the Betty ford clinic.

Drug Addiction Among the Celebrities

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What It Takes To Be The Sexiest join

  • Saturday, June 4, 2011
  • Posted by FreeShipping
  • Labels:

It seems some couples are just simply sexy. They look good together physically but there is more to it than just looks. It is also the grace with which they live, the power that they hold, and the fame they have received which causes them to hold the title of sexiest couple.

One of the sexiest couples in the public eye right now is Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. They are sexy because they are both very attractive. They are both famed for starring in movies that were successful both to the movie company and more importantly, to the public. Both Angelina and Brad have inspiring pasts that have caused their values to be questioned and yet they have continued to live their lives as they wish. The couple's work with impoverished children and aiding areas of the world which are hurting, also adds an Air of sexiness to their lives.

Charlie Sheen

Another integrate which is viewed as sexy at the present time is Prince Henry and Kate Middleton. For sure reasons this integrate has a exiguous more fame and fortune than other couples, any way that is not the only thing that makes them sexy. Both, again, are very attractive. Henry and Kate are well educated and hold positions in higher society. Both have been in the public eye for aiding in charity fundraisers and helping the less fortunate. Henry is especially sexy, because of his past. A boy that lost his mother, the princess, at a young age and yet grew to be the heir to the British Monarchy is a story that is very sexy.

What It Takes To Be The Sexiest join

So it takes more than just good looks to be a sexy couple. Reconsider some couples who may linger on the line of sexiest integrate but which have not crossed over it. Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller are a good example. If one part of the integrate has been in issue with the law, their sexiness quota drops no matter how beautiful they are. Or how about Mel Gibson who use to be one of the most sought after stars of his time. His model/girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva is beautiful, but after the modern rants and arrests of Mel, the sexy has been removed from this couple.

Even in a smaller circle of friends, it is easy to pick out the sexy couple. It is usually the integrate that is interesting, popular, but also steady and balanced. It is the pAir who are together, faithful, but still flirt and have fun.

One of the sexist couples from the past is Robert Redford and Joann Woodward. This quiet integrate had all the makings of a sexy pAir. They were attractive, rich, and famous. They supported charitable causes. Their movies were successful and they had all the fame and fortune they could want. And yet, all they no ifs ands or buts wanted was each other. That is what made them memorable and sexy.

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