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Why Every enterprise Needs to Take a episode From Charlie Sheen!

Over the last few weeks I'm sure you've heard about what's going on in Charlie Sheen land.

Controversy at it's finest...or not so finest! You pick!

Charlie Sheen

But, I have to give it to Charlie...he is creating publicity and getting habitancy involved in what he's doing. It was announced that he broke the Guinness Book of World Records for achieving 1 million Twitter followers in just a few days. Then he shattered that report again with 2 million followers a few days later.

Why Every enterprise Needs to Take a episode From Charlie Sheen!

Two Million!

But unlike most celebrities who tweet about what they are doing, Charlie is using Twitter as a means to make money and keep his controversy in the limelight. He launched an internet show called Charlie's Korner or Sheen's projection (either way I haven't seen it yet) and is in talks with advertisers to Mention their products on his Twitter account. The phrases "Tiger Blood", "Adonis Dna" and "Winning" have been added to the lexicon of our pop culture...yep, thanks to Charlie Sheen.

Okay, yes I realize that you are not Charlie Sheen and that creating controversy can be somewhat daunting. And, you are not a celebrity with deep pockets and hopefully you don't have a "bad boy" credit either...

...but you can be a magnet for the media.

Now, I'm not saying act like raving lunatic and come up with strange catch phrases. If you're good at and can get away with it, then by all means...but most likely you will need the help of person other than yourself. Keep those press releases flowing! Let the media in on what you are doing. Hire a rainmaker! A publicist! A public Relations person!

Utilize public media! generate an online presence! Make some noise! Get noticed!

Create a video then put it up on YouTube. Let habitancy know you mean company and are willing to do whatever to get their attention. Be outrageous! You might not get 2 Million followers, but you will generate a following.

Everytime the media picks up on what you're doing, habitancy will read, hear or talk about you. In marketing there's a phrase and goes like this... "the more you tell, the more you sell!"

Yeah, it sounds simple, but without some sort of attention grabber to get habitancy attention, you won't be able to tell them what it is you want to sell them.

Good or bad...controversy sells!

Learn to use a slight controversy in your publicity campaigns and Watch habitancy take notice!

Why Every enterprise Needs to Take a episode From Charlie Sheen!

Thanks To : Buy Shopping Discount Pocket Scale PS Classic


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