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Why Doesn't Flash Work on My iPhone or iPad?

  • Friday, August 19, 2011
  • Posted by FreeShipping
  • Labels: ,

This is a common inquire and I hear it from company owners who have a website built using Flash or a home page that uses Flash. Let's describe the reasons why Apple does not support Flash and what you can do about it.

Have You Tried This Before?

Charlie Sheen

You are on your iPhone or iPad and type in a Url for your local restaurant. You wait a second and you get a message that states you need to download Adobe Flash in order to view the site. There is the "download" button. You click the button and expect things to work.

Why Doesn't Flash Work on My iPhone or iPad?

Suddenly, you get this message:

"Flash Player not available for your device

Apple restricts use of technologies required by products like Adobe® Flash® Player. Until Apple eliminates these restrictions, Adobe cannot provide Flash Player for the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch."

The message is from Adobe. And, it makes it appear that Apple is to blame.

But, is it Apple's fault?

Why Flash Doesn't Work

My acknowledge to why Flash doesn't work on your Apple mobile device is that it is in their best interest, and of course, Apple believes that their best interest is also your best interest. (Hey, Google uses this line of self-interest based logic all of the time.)

As they say, "follow the money." Since Apple controls all things in their environMent, they have the power to make decisions which will maximize their profits. But, my concept is that Apple's decision is also good for the user.

Let me describe the reasons that Apple provided for not allowing Flash on their mobile devices:

1. Flash is a accomplished system.

My two cents: Isn't Apple a accomplished system?

2. Reliability, protection and operation issues on mobile devices.

My two cents: I am not a tech-guy so I don't have data to support this claim. But, I do have personal sense with Flash on the many Mac Computers I have owned. My sense is that sometimes reliability and operation issues do happen with Flash on a Mac. Specifically, if my internet browsing sense encounters a site with Flash, the site may download moderately or it could crash my Computer. Flash-interruptus?

3. Flash drains battery life.

My two cents: I don't know this to be true, but it makes sense that it would cause this issue on mobile devices. How much of an issue in reality, I have no idea.

4. Flash is designed for Pcs and not touch screens.

My two cents: This is the case for all things in tech that was invented before the mobile web existed, right? (Since Al Gore invented the Internet, I wonder who invented the mobile web? Newt Gingrich? Charlie Sheen? It appears the reputation for the mobile phone invention is Martin Cooper.)

5. Adobe wants developers to adopt Flash for developing apps for Apple's mobile devices. Apple says no. Apple does not want a third-Party improveMent tool to get between them and developers.

The net of all this is that Apple has control and it appears to me, they came to the right decision. Of course, when it come to technology, things do change.

What Should You Do?

I love Apple products. I like Adobe products as well.

But, as a consumer with an Apple mobile device, I don't think you will miss Flash.

As a business, all you need to do is get a mobile site that is designed to work on all mobile devices. Your main website was built for the computer and not the mobile web. Think of this as an chance to tap into all those consumers who have mobile phones and search the mobile web 500 million times each month!

Best of all, building a mobile site for your company that is going to be very affordable.

Why Doesn't Flash Work on My iPhone or iPad?

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