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Charlie Sheen Astrology Predictions


Charlie Sheen, a familiar American actor who has been acclaimed for his roles in such films as Platoon and Wall street and in Tv sitcoms Spin City and Two and a Half Men (born September 3, 1965, 10:48 Pm, New York City) is a Taurus ascendant with Ascendant degree at 25 degrees 08 minutes. The ascendant lord Venus is in 5th house of entertainMent business agreeing to Vedic Astrology.

Charlie Sheen is going through the aggressive planet Mars mahadasha agreeing to Indian Astrology. Mars rules the 7th house of relationships with other habitancy and 12th house of normal loss, and is placed in 6th house of fights, quarrels with other people, and legal battles, police etc agreeing to Vedic Astrology. The Mars relationship with 6th house, 7th house and 12th house at same time is not good for Charlie Sheen while Charlie is in Mars mahadasha. Especially not good at all for wholesome relationships with other habitancy around him. The relationships could be business, friendship, romantic agreeing to Indian Astrology At the same time transit Saturn this year is very close to the natal position of ascendant lord Venus in Virgo. This year is a very difficult year for Charlie Sheen, especially the months of March April and first 5 days of May are very bad, and then the month of August is very difficult. Charlie Sheen may face some more embarrassing moMents during this period agreeing to Vedic Astrology while dealing with other habitancy around him. Extra caution is advised during this period.

Charlie Sheen

According to Vedic Astrology the in effect good period for Charlie Sheen starts in first week of November this year, when Saturn will faultless its transit over the natal position of ascendant lord Venus. At the same time the mahadasha lord Mars will enter Leo and it will stay in Leo until June 2012, and where it will be receiving inevitable aspect from transit Jupiter in Aries. The transit Jupiter will also be aspecting the natal position of Mars in Libra. The good period will continue until August 2012 while Mars is transiting through Virgo sign as transit Jupiter from Taurus will be aspecting the transit Mars and natal Venus in Virgo. The Mars mahadasha will continue until December 2013. Charlie Sheen should be very cautious while dealing with other people, as Mars position in 6th house is not good, can lead to fights or violence with other habitancy around him.

Charlie Sheen Astrology Predictions
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Charlie Sheen Astrology Predictions

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