Davinci Gambino in Black
Cruisin' USA

Davinci Gambino in Black Cruisin' USA

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change Is Your Friend

  • Wednesday, April 27, 2011
  • Posted by FreeShipping
  • Labels: ,


Very few habitancy like change. This is why we form routines, traditions, systems and policies. We want things done with consistency by ourselves and others.

Do me a favor, right now, think through the 10 first things you do in the morning. Example: 1) Turn off my alarm 2) Sit up and stretch 3) Walk to the bathroom and turn on the hot water 4) Wait then feel the water 5) Adjust the cold and step in. 6) Get wet up to my chest, then turn nearby and stick my head under and soak myself from the top down. 7) Shampoo my hAir (leave all the suds). 8) Take the soap and lather up my whole body. 9) Rinse my face first then spin nearby and rinse my hAir and back. 10) Turn nearby and rinse off my front.

Charlie Sheen

Same thing every day. How come I don't back in? Wash my chest first?

change Is Your Friend
How to Minecraft - "Shadow of Israphel" Part 1: Crash and Burn Video Clips. Duration : 14.50 Mins.

The heroes finally return home, after a gruelling period on the Survival Island - to find that the world they left behind has changed for the worse. They must gather what resources they have and set out on a new adventure! Huge thanks to Variede for the starting cutscene and bonus stuff, subscribe to his channel here! Very reasonable rates! www.youtube.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Our Podcast: itunes.apple.com Texture pack is DSB's Gerudoku remix, around page 17 of this thread: www.minecraftforum.net

Keywords: minecraft, adventure, mode, survival, multiplayer, yogscast, beta, israphel, notch, xephos, honeydew, lewis, simon, old peculier, daisy duke, skylord lysander, airship

Keywords: Tags

What about my whole morning routine? 1) Out of bed. 2) Take a shower 3) Shave 4) Dress 5) Oj and morning meal 6) Watch Tv and eat morning meal 7) Brush my teeth 8) Pack up my bag for work 9) Kiss my wife 10) Leave the house and drive to work - does your morning go something like this?

Routines are comforting, safe and secure. Change is new, scary and unpredictable. I think it is prominent for each of us to have non-change in our lives. (This is advent from a guy who Loves Change.)


It is just as prominent to Have Change in your business. Change is not only prominent but a necessity. If you are not changing, purposefully, then you are dying. Change is about innovation. Change allows you to keep up with your customers, competitors, business and the enterprise world nearby you.

Please understand, when I say Change it doesn't have to be dramatic change. It can be dinky changes. dinky changes can have a necessary inequity in the success of your business. Remember the old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" I pretty much believe in that. If something is not broken don't Change it, but certainly keep it maintained and updated. There are dinky things we can do to improve systems in our enterprise that will make them better. Most of the time this is minimal change.

If your car is running well, you don't go to the mechanic and say, "See if you can find something to fix to make it run better." You let it be and hope it keeps running well. But, you also profess it. You Change the oil, check the fluid levels and bring it in for a tune up when recomMended. This allows you to keep the reliability in place. This reliability allows you to focus on other things. The same is true with your business.

As the Ceo of your life, enterprise and work, you must always be reasoning about and impleMenting change. If you do not then you are not fulfilling your responsibilities to yourself and others. We all know that the one constant in the world is change. Nothing stays the same. By pretending, wanting, hoping and thinking, "staying the same" is good, you are kidding yourself.

Think about the fact that the world is changing every day. Things are going on in the world and in people's lives that Change their way of thinking, their way of viewing separate aspects of their life. For example: Gas prices going over per gallon in the States, Disruption in the Middle East, New Presidential Campaign, Charlie Sheen making M per week, then making an ass of himself and selling out shows across the country! (Winning, Duh!) Okay, the Charlie Sheen bit is not quite as prominent as our young Men and women going to war, but it does get more press and just bother the heck out of you, doesn't it?

Doesn't it make sense that these changes may affect how your buyer may view your goods or service? Are you still as high a priority to your current buyer base and prospective target markets? Are they now reasoning of an additional one enterprise to buy from? Are they now considering using the Dollars they were going to spend with you, elsewhere? These are a few of the prominent questions you need to be request yourself regularly.

Many businesses have seen the detrimental effects of this happen to their enterprise but didn't understand why. Their sales dropped. Their repeat customers went down. Their referrals decreased. Why? Change! Things have changed from 5 years, 1 year, 3 months or 2 weeks ago. They weren't holding up. They had been fat, dumb and happy for a long time and idea they could remain that way. Not a chance. Fat from living off their good sales, dumb from the ignorance of Change and happy with the status quo and not wanting to have to think about or engage in change.

My challenge to you is to look at the following aspects of your business: Marketing, Sales, Service, Management, Leadership, Teamwork, transportation and Financial Management. In each of these 8 aspects I want you to look at how you are doing them and then make One Change. If you are feeling indubitably good, make Two Changes. Whoa! Two changes! Pretty wild. I know you can do it. The changes don't have to be big, but they have to be important. If the Change will not potentially growth your productivity or profitability or help in achieving your allinclusive goal, then it doesn't count. It has to improve something. This can liberate you. You will feel unfettered. You will start to feel more comfortable with change.

Soon you will want to Change other aspects of your life...you will want to Change your name, Clothes, cars, friends, family.....okay, I am getting a dinky carried away here. You see, I am a Change addict. I don't want you to get addicted to change. Who knows what could happen then. Next thing you know you are speaking the words: "Hello Everybody, I'm Frank and I am a Change-A-Holic." Group: "Hello Frank. Welcome." Yes, it has been an ugly road for me, but I am the "Warlock" of change. (Yes, an additional one cheap Charlie Sheen reference. Sorry)

change Is Your Friend

Thanks To : Buy Shopping Discount Ralph Lauren Womens Aela Sandal Acai Berry Diet Rachel Ray


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