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It's A New Dawn: safe Your Online credit

  • Wednesday, May 4, 2011
  • Posted by FreeShipping
  • Labels: ,


On April 3 the New York Times published an narrative on the growing services that conduct clients reputations and facts on the internet. Thank you Charlie Sheen for boosting an already growing field and creating Jobs for thousands.

In working with doctors this issue has become the big polka dotted elephant in the room. Recently I had an experience that brought this all to light: In searching for clients, I'll often Plug their name into a Google crusade just to see what comes up. On this particular day I was targeting a few Ob-Gyn practices in my area, doctors that I've known for years who I'd worked with in my last incarnation. In the curative field in particular, online tell sites have become Fast, furious and powerful.

Charlie Sheen

They overshadow and outrank even the most sophisticated of curative convention websites, and often one will have to sift through 12 or 13 before getting to a website, if in fact there is a website at all. (Another story for an additional one day). This doctor was a pioneer in his field; was known for his cutting edge Vitamin D testing long before Vitamin D deficiencies became a buzzword, and for years had a great reputation and was very difficult to get an appointMent with because he was so in demand. No more.

It's A New Dawn: safe Your Online credit
How to Halo: Reach - Fails of the Weak Volume 31 (Funny Halo Bloopers and Screw-Ups!) Tube. Duration : 3.87 Mins.

Jack and Geoff took a lovely stroll down a wooded meadow and stumbled across a poor weeping woman. When asked about what the problem was, the woman replied "It's Friday, and I have yet to see a fail video!" Jack and Geoff laughed heartily and then provided her with this video. Enjoy.

Tags: Achievement, Hunter, Rooster, Teeth, Fails, of, the, Weak, Week, Halo, Reach, Bungie, Microsoft, Best, Ever

Tags: Tags

One look at the organic crusade machine results and it was clear that the online tell sites had this doctor by the jugular. The very top of the crusade engine's tell did not even need clicking into; it was on the face as clear as day, calling out to all who might be searching for a good Ob-Gyn in their area, or who may have been referred to this particular doctor and just needed to check her out online first. Not good. Not everywhere close to good. As the adage goes: one bad tell can skew 100 great ones. This doctor needed damage control in a big way.

Make sure you are aware of the tell sites in your particular field, both firm to firm as well as firm to Consumer. Better yet, hire a pro who is going to monitor and safe your good name and reputation. Although erasing negative reviews is not potential it is in fact potential to suppress the negative tell with a Pr campaign which will contain balanced reporting, rebuttals, good reviews and testimonials. Protecting your reputation has never been more important. And while you're at it, Google yourself every now and then. It's just as prominent as running a reputation check on yourself!

It's A New Dawn: safe Your Online credit

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